Saturday, 18 January 2014

Aliens Wear Socks

I was on track for a restful night of sleep. Unfortunately, Calvin didn't agree.

12 o'clock always makes Calvin jittery. I woke up to sharp little fangs digging into my wing blade. Aroused from my rest in such a painful manner, I was obviously annoyed. His excuse? He said he saw an alien and that it scared him.

I assured Calvin that aliens could not get into the room as the door and windows were shut. He proceeded to explain that aliens could teleport wherever they chose.

I'm sure he had let his imagination blind his sight and was simply looking at the dressing gown, making shadows in the moonlight. Again, Calvin brushed my remarks aside by proclaiming that the shadows of dressing gowns don't wear socks.


It was midnight. I was tired. I didn't want to continue this banter. I told Calvin that the alien was gone now and it wouldn't come back. Of course, that wasn't the end. He feared that the alien would return and try to eat him.

I informed him that cats were not part of an aliens diet. That seemed to calm him down and he fell asleep again, purring.

For the sake of sleep, I hope we don't get anymore untimely visits from aliens wearing socks.


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